If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. The

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Turn Civil War into Class War ~~ Written by Collectivist

~~ Written by Collectivist ~~

The two major political parties in the U.S. are dominated by plutocrats and therefore should never be trusted. In the final analysis, no matter what is 'officially' pronounced by the DNC or the RNC, the overall policies and practices of both parties serve the domestic and foreign interests of predatory capitalism. Always have.

Nevertheless, at this moment, capitalism is in a severe 'crisis of legitimacy.' (Google this). 

A credible case can be made that, presently, within the U.S. body politic, both the organized left and the organized right, reject the rule of(capitalist) neoliberalism. . .   for two totally, fundamentally different reasons; reasons which make all the difference in the world.

The organize (and they apparently  are) right - if we use the capitol insurgents as an example - are not fighting for an end to the rule of capital; rather, their, now violent opposition is thoroughly reactionary; comprised of some of the most anti-socialist,  pro-zionist, white nationalist and pro-patriarchal social forces in the country. Those political forces are in an antagonistic contradiction with the neoliberal forces - and always been - for decades.

Trump(inc)'s unlikely 2016 presidential (s) election greatly emboldened their movement, facilitating further consolidation, including complete control of the Supreme Court. Although Trump(inc)
promised its, mostly affluent, constituency the "draining of the (liberal) swamp", and "Make America Great Again (?), all he really did was: 1) use the presidency to promote his (debt-riddled) 'brand' 2) greatly reduce the taxes of the plutocracy 3) promote xenophobia ("The Chinese are our enemies!"), white nationalism (the traditional divide&conquer ruling class strategy), patriarchy (including opposing reproductive rights) and his own, demented, narcissistic sociopathy.

 In addition to NOT dismantling the neoliberal capitalist political/economic  configuration (refusing to even prosecute his once-upon-a-time neoliberal 'buddies' (the Clintons), he filled the political swamp with more corporate criminals . .and outright fascist forces: nazis, Christian fundamentalists and rabid anticommunists. While his foreign policies deviated somewhat from previous administrations, esp. with the supposed international 'threats' to U.S. imperialism - bringing him into objective  opposition to much of  the U.S. 'security' complex, Trump(inc) continued the fundamental policy of the U.S. State as nuclear-armed protectors and promoters of global capitalist nomination.

'America First' never meant promoting the overall prosperity of the multicultural mass of working class people. It meant maximising global capital accumulation and enriching Trump(inc) . . .and relieving his debts.

The recent (s)elections, and the antagonistic  national political reactions to them revealed, as far as some of us on the left see, several critical crises. . .with global ramifications:

- While Trump may have, narrowly,  lost the 'election', fascism, at the end of the 'fray', won the day. (The latter even had one big, bloody 'field day' of mania, mayhem and domestic terrorism on Jan. 6)

- fascist forces, not unlike Trump, will never accept the results

- much of the right has declared, and unmistakeably launched a civil war, which includes some of the most, actually and  potentially, violent tendencies on the right

- these fascist forces, and many of their sympathizers, supporters and enablers are entrenched within the local, state and national political parties, particularly the Republican Party and 'policing' apparatus

- these fascists have determined that they can no longer co-exist with their neoliberal 'cousin's' - even as the latter represent the soil  which objectively fertilized it, and allowed it to grow.

What should the organized, & would-be-organized-if-they-could-be-organized left DO?

Of course, none of us can provide all the best answers to that critical question. Nor can any one, or small group, of us do everything that should be done at this time or in the future.   . Too many moving, contradictory parts. . .muddled by conspiracy theories, ultra-rightwinger media, online mis & disinformation campaigns and a mostly l(neo)liberal commercial media, whose primary goal is to, always, use crises to sell commodities, by sensationalizing them, i.e, disaster capitalism, not trying to accurately and insightfully solve them.

Meanwhile, the economy continues to crumble and a seemingly, unmitigating pandemic hangs over ALL our, global heads.

First of all, we, on the left must, not only unite AGAINST- not with, as some propose -  the fascist forces, as they continue to reveal, to the world, exactly who they are. Many of them them have, of course, been here all along, waiting like the blackbird (in the popular Beatle song) for "their moment to arrive". A clear(er), NOT fuzzier,  line must be drawn not just between the left and the right, but also between the promoters and appeasers of fascism and those who promote, unequivocally civil and human and democratic rights. I contend that, that potentially broad alliance of social and political forces, once organized sufficiently,  OUTNUMBERS the fascist forces and is capable - as in the past - of  SUPPRESSING  them.

Finally, we must recognize that re-empowered neoliberalism, as represented by the Democratic Party, no matter how culturally 'diverse' it is, CANNOT, at the end of the day, defeat the fascist insurgency and instigators of this new civil war. Despite the real threat it presents to 'business-as-usual, as an inextricable, and now re-energized sector of the ruling class, one of their primary missions, not unlike the fascists', remains, SUPPRESSING its bigger nemesis: the left. Moreover, the fascist sector, enjoying a social base - 70 million strong, perhaps, with considerable power on a local, state and federal level - armed-to-the-teeth, won't allow them to DO otherwise.


At its root, and beneath the often, confused  conventional historical narrative,  the previous civil was a class war: enslaved laborers, and their allies,  vs slave owners, and wannabe slave owners.
This time, the ENTIRE rule of capital must be overturned, not just to save  sht-hole USA 'democracy', (both the neoliberal AND fascist, deceptive, squawking points and self-serving claims) but, in light of the existential social and natural crises we face, globally. . .to save humanity . .  and the biosphere we, undeniably, depend on."

~~ written by Collectivist ~~

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