If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. The

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Isn't socialism about conformity? ~~ Paul D'Amato


From the Meaning of Marxism Series

SOCIALISM WILL make us all like the same. This claim is, to quote the British journalist Paul Foot, "delicately stoked by the press and television of a capitalist society which is increasingly stamping sameness and conformity on its working people."

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

LEE CAMP: We Can’t Vote ‘Em Out


The criminal absurdity of American politics - 

It doesn’t matter when you read this, the assholes will still be in power. I know that because here in America we can’t vote out the assholes. We can trouble them, scare them, annoy them, and sometimes even pressure them into doing some small thing that’s mildly progressive. 

But we can’t vote out the assholes.

The Philosophy of Antifa


~~ posted for Collectivist ~~

Monday, November 30, 2020

COVID Tipped the Scale: How King County Employees Made Childcare a Union Benefit ~~Michael Laslett


Ten thousand union members who work for King County, where Seattle is located, have won a $9 million fund to cover emergency childcare expenses this school year. Now the union coalition is pushing to make the benefit permanent.

“We did not sign up to be raped”: Women veterans fight back against military sexual trauma ~~ Johnnie Lewis


~~posted for Collectivist ~~ 

This month two veterans, represented by the Yale Law School Veterans Legal Service Clinic, won a lawsuit against the U.S. Army for giving “bad paper” discharges to veterans with mental health diagnoses. The discharges include women victims of sexual assault, abuse and harassment, known collectively as Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Additionally, the lawsuit supported all veterans with diagnoses of traumatic brain injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder who were given bad paper discharges. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/11/18/army-agrees-review-thousands-of-bad-paper-discharges-part-of-lawsuit-settlement.html

200 years since the birth of Friedrich Engels ~~ Peter Schwartz


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Friedrich Engels was born 200 years ago today on Nov. 28, 1820. Together with his friend Karl Marx, who was two-and-a-half years his senior, Engels co-founded scientific socialism. Two hundred years later, their life’s work is of burning contemporary relevance. They were much more farsighted than the countless academics who have filled entire libraries with their attempted refutations of Marxism.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Whiskey Snakes and Voltaire ~~ Joe Bageant


See the introduction to this series of posts: Writing on Things Southern and Past

Are Workers “Smart Enough” to Govern Under Socialism? ~~ Gordon Haskell

Gordon Haskell - 20 September 1948
"In our present set-up the man who gets to the top is usually the man blessed by rich parents, good connections, or a willingness to grind his fellow humans under his heel."

“A few months ago,” says my friend Jack to me the other day, “you were telling me about how the workers and farmers and other people that do something useful will run things once they wake up and take over from the monopolists and politicians and the rest of the riff-raff that has the world by the tail these days.”

Five Difficulties in Writing the Truth ~~ Bertolt Brecht



The great truth of our time is that our continent is giving way to barbarism because private ownership of the means of production is being maintained by violence. Merely to recognize this truth is not sufficient, but should it not be recognized, no other truth of importance can be discovered. Of what use is it to write something courageous which shows that the condition into which we are falling is barbarous (which is true) if it is not clear why we are falling into this condition? We must say that torture is used in order to preserve property relations. To be sure, when we say this we lose a great many friends who are against torture only because they think property relations can be upheld without torture, which is untrue.