If the workers of the world want to win, all they have to do is recognize their own solidarity. The

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Thomas Jefferson Father of White Supremacy ~~ Kermit O



When you hear the name Thomas Jefferson, it is likely followed by “founding father”, “hero”, “patriot”, and other such reverent terms. Amongst the mildly critical—or anyone not in complete denial—you’ll hear it acknowledged that he was also a slaver, and that there were some inherent contradictions between this and the idea that “All men are created equal”. The more critical still may point out that he was also a rapist, in that his relationship with Sally Hemmings was a matter of obligation for her, as she was his “property”.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Workers in eastern Europe and former Soviet states prefer socialism


As the dystopian reality of bourgeois exploitation and ‘democracy’ hits home, Stalin and communism are viewed with respect and longing.

Normal is gone—where do we go from here? ~~ Grace


The Coup Already Underway ~~Paul Street


This might be a good time for Americans to stop masochistically worshipping at the feet of their nation’s authoritarian Constitution. A proto-fascistic genocidal racist maniac and anti-science eco-exterminist determined to kill two million more Americans with COVID-19 sits in the White House thanks in no small part due to the absurdly venerated 1788 United States Constitution.