05 February 2025

"Premonitions": sandwich (photo collage) by Loren Bliss ©1968,1974,2025.
DESPITE OUR SPECIES' rightfully terrified, head-in-the-sand refusal to acknowledge it, Trump's victory in the 5 November election makes official the permanent reversal of the humanitarian advancements that resulted from the U.S. Civil War and World War II. It is now as if the Confederacy won in 1865 and Hitler triumphed in 1945 -- and with every passing day, it becomes more undeniable the world will never recover from these losses. At the very best, we can now anticipate the methodical reversal of every humanitarian gain our species ever achieved. Meanwhile -- given the new regime's brazenly public affirmation of the nation's post-war rejection of all moral, ethical and constitutional restraint -- the worst is a new Holocaust, the zero-tolerance extermination of "enemies within," not only in the U.S., but throughout U.S. capitalism's neoliberalism- nazified global empire.
the Soviet Union slain, its Red Army eternally disbanded and every
nation terrified to submission by the empire's bipartisan
"Better-Dead-Than-Red" foreign policy -- that is, its intent to destroy
the world rather accept defeat -- Trump and his predecessors, whether
overt (Reagan et al) or clandestine (Truman, Eisenhower, Johnson, Carter, Clinton ad nauseam),
have already fulfilled Hitler's intent to conquer the entire planet.
What we are witnessing now is not the conquest but its consequence --
the absolute triumph of infinite evil.
Protected by the omnipotence granted the U.S. by doomsday blackmail and its zero-tolerance enforcement by modern technology -- the latter in fulfillment of the malignant purpose we can no longer deny is the sole purpose for its invention -- it is increasingly clear there is no possible way the Christonazi Reich can be subverted from within or overthrown from without. This means it is literally "forever" -- that is, until the end of human time itself. Or at the very least, until some apocalyptic event neutralizes the weaponized technology that perpetuates the Unified Reich's global reign of terror. In either case, our species is not likely to survive. Neither is our Mother Earth as any sort of habitable world.
me, the death of the American Republic and ultimately our Mother Earth
is also the death of a notion that, until now, was the one certain
belief within my personal ethos of general agnosticism: that each and
every atom in the entire cosmos contained within itself not just the
known structure of nucleus, electrons and protons but an unseen,
undetected yet overwhelmingly powerful compulsion to evolve
consciousness. It always seemed to me sentient life could not have come
into existence, could not have evolved from the substance of the stars,
without the cosmic presence of such a dynamic. Our matriarchal
ancestors recognized this dynamic and anthropomorphized it as the Great
Goddess, which to me always felt more metaphorically apt than any other
such representation and for a (deluded) time felt objectively real. No
more; the outcome of 5 November proves the concurrent existence of a
much stronger terminal force, which redefines the universe itself,
telling us what we foolishly viewed as the inexpressibly beautiful
choreography of creation is instead a maliciously seductive dance of
destruction, the final revelation of which -- our last lesson as a
doomed species on a dying planet we ourselves have fatally wounded -- is
its unspeakable hideousness.
Trumpites Weaponize Social Security, Veterans Benefits, All Other Federal Safety Net Programs to Enforce Christonazi Theocracy is the headline no U.S. media dares publish. Thus my 3 February posts on Common Dreams:
AS USUAL, THE true significance of this atrocity is suppressed: it is that Trump and his cabal of Christonazi/Neoconfederate terrorists now control the apparatus that allows them to stop individual Social Security checks at will, thereby silencing (and no doubt murdering by the resultant starvation and homelessness) any stipend-dependent retired or disabled person who dares criticize the new Führer with whom our nation, our species and our Mother Earth have been terminally cursed by the gloating, sadistic moral imbeciles of the vindictively ignorant USian electorate.
Which proves beyond any possibility of refutation what too many of us are too naive, too stupid or simply too deluded by fear to acknowledge — that there is literally no limit to the horrors that are to be inflicted on us.
Of course the Mainstream Media — the world’s first (and no doubt last) privately owned, for-maximum-profit variant of Goebbels’ Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda — has downplayed or suppressed this fact entirely, and the so-called alternative media, demonstrating its routine reportorial incompetence, has overlooked it thanks to its demographic indifference to the stipend-dependent poor.
Thus we are all rendered vulnerable to ruinous political ambush of the sort that was inflicted on me in December 1982 by a vengeful disciple of Hitler closeted in the Washington State Department of Employment Security. Remembering me as one of the leaders of the group of male and female GI Bill students she attempted to oust from Western Washington State College in 1971 in retaliation for our anti-Vietnam-War activism, she deleted my entire unemployment file, leaving me without any income whatsoever, destroying a career-change in mid-process, forcing my return to New York City and (immediate) re-employment in the working press.
In the context of what was done to me then and what now threatens every outspoken humanitarian in the nation (and ultimately — as the Unified Reich begins its unstoppable conquest of lebensraum — everywhere in our planetary motherland), we should remember the 1974 testimony of Seattle’s Watergate Felon John Ehrlichman, that Washington state is a favorite proving-ground for new techniques of oppression, a rat-lab wherein the ruling class hones its evil to eternal omnipotence. Which with Trump they have now surely done…
Despite being fully vaccinated, I am terminally ill – according to my cardiologist dead by next September – slain at age 85 by long-Covid and Covid’s damage to my heart and kidneys. I now regard this as a blessing because it will (probably) keep me out of the new Auschwitz.
That said, were there still a Soviet Union and a Red Army, we’d have rational reason for hope. But without the only force on earth that ever proved truly lethal to nazism, Trump’s “Unified Reich” is forever, with absolutely no possibility of rescue.
(Note too the number of psychics who claim Trump is the actual reincarnation of Hitler.)
Thus we live in an American replica of Nazi Germany made infinitely more Evil – omnipotent, actually – by modern technology, which is, of course, the fulfillment of that technology’s ultimate purpose. And so it will remain until one of two things happen: either by some miracle the technology dies, or we destroy our species and our planetary motherland, reducing our Mother Earth to permanent (eternally toxic) Precambrian lifelessness.
The Republic is dead; U.S. history proves the nation’s citizenry is either too fanatically hateful or too paralyzed by self-obsession to restore it. The former group, an increasing majority, will never cease their infinitely sadistic embrace of Christonazi/Neoconfederate ecogenocide. The latter group – demonstrating the Ayn-Rand moral imbecility in which they’ve been irremediably conditioned by neoliberalism – are permanently devoid of humanitarian empathy, hence are sociopathically incapable of achieving solidarity, a terminal deficiency illustrated both by the deterioration of '60s radicalism into Me-Generation avarice and the collapse of Occupy into the egotistical squabbling that enabled its easy defeat by the governmental protectors of capitalist tyranny. Most of the Ayn-Randified group are also far too cowardly to dare effectively resist the lynch-mob violence that defines their opponents. That’s why – as I have said before – liberation can only come from without.
Thus too my 2 February letter to the editors of the World Socialist Web Site (not intended for publication therein):
On 29 January, in response to the World Socialist Web Site report headlined, “Trump’s spending freeze: A direct attack on the working class and the US Constitution,” I submitted a comment that stated the following historical truths:
Trump’s purpose is to destroy the remnants of the Republic, thereby gifting the white-male-supremacist Neoconfederates by forever reversing the outcome of the (first?) Civil War, also by reducing the entire nation to a re-education camp for perpetual Christonazi mind-warping.
The result is a variant of Hitler's Germany transmogrified to maximum monstrousness by technological omnipotence, its unprecedented malevolence perpetuated by the pridefully ignorant, permanently ineducable, rabidly hateful lumpen proletariat majority unleashed by der neu Führer’s pardons and inflamed to apocalyptic intensity by the fanatical Christonazi determination to bring about the End Times.
Alas, we are only beginning to acknowledge the infinite horror inflicted on us by the 5 November election. Nor is it the anomaly some would have us believe. It is instead the terminal fulfillment of the intended nazification first expressed by the Bankers’ Plot of 1933 and given the ruling class blessing of permanence by the Congressional gift of immunity to the perpe-traitors in 1934. Its atrocities are sure to be approved by a judiciary appointed specifically to legitimize the new Führer’s will, precisely as his messiah Hitler subverted and conquered the Weimar Republic’s courts. Likewise in devout adherence to Hitler’s blueprint for subversion, years of the psychological conditioning exemplified by Ayn Rand’s fictionalizations of the Mein Kampf ethos guarantee Trump’s “Unified Reich” is expression of the national essence, proven so by the chronic absence of (effective) opposition.
Thus -- again like Hitler’s realm -- Trump’s regime can only be toppled from without. But with the apocalyptic thermonuclear fanaticism of (the) “One Nation Under God” -- its zero-tolerance, no-surrender policy of “better-dead-than-red/destroy-the-world-to-'save'-it” -- what nation will dare resist invasive reduction to lebensraum and the Auschwitz governance that follows such conquest, much less attempt our rescue? Who now has the solidarity and courage to save our species from extinction? Whose might can stop the reduction of our Mother Earth to eternally toxic Precambrian lifelessness? The mission passes from singular nations to the entire global working class.…
Meanwhile we witness the final refutation of our species' ultimate Big Lie: the historically false notion the "moral arc" of the universe "bends toward justice." (Bend it does, though any honest reading of history proves its curvature is exclusively toward ever-more-inescapably apocalyptic tyranny.) Thus the global aristocrats and their lynch-mob puppets celebrate with infinitely sadistic glee -- the former because they now have official permission to sedate themselves with a terminal orgy of ecogenocidal avarice as they complete their misogynistic murder-suicide; the latter, Christonazis and Neoconfederates -- incorrigibles every one -- celebrate because they view Trump's “Unified Reich” as the obliteration of each and every humanitarian achievement, the reversal of evolution for which they and their doctrinal forebears have always so hatefully yearned.
Make no mistake; this run-amok malignancy -- with unimaginably worse to come -- is what we face…
Despite its unflinching accuracy -- that “unimaginably worse to come” now includes empowerment of the Trump regime to enforce ideological conformity by vindictively stopping federal disbursements including individual Social Security checks -- my comment was suppressed. Thus I submit the following with no desire of publication. I merely want the WSWS editors to have no doubt about my motives and convictions.
About a year after the defeat and destruction of the Soviet Union by the unprecedented subversion skills of the Original Nazi war criminals the U.S. embraced as advisors and comrades-at-arms, Canadian media somehow ferreted out a Soviet estimate of the revolutionary potential that seemingly characterized the U.S. during the late 1950s, the 1960s and the early 1970s. As best I recall, it was Maclean’s Magazine which scooped the world on the story, reporting the conclusion of the Committee for State Security (KGB) that while the U.S. minority communities of Blacks, Hispanics and First Nations peoples had indeed evolved the consciousness prerequisite to successful revolution, the revolutionary intent seemingly manifest by most of the Caucasians who supported the civil rights, anti-military-draft, anti-Vietnam War, feminist and environmentalist movements was merely a charade, a fad, a false consciousness that would vanish (or revert to existential-fascist norms) as soon as circumstances allowed. Implicit in the analysts’ view was their recognition most U.S. whites were even then too cowardly for the hazardous work of revolution and already too self-centered to empathize enough with fellow victims of capitalism to grow the requisite solidarity.
The absolute correctness of this infinitely damning hypothesis was proven beyond equivocation by the whites’ abandonment of anti-war activism immediately after abolition of the draft on 27 January 1973. Nearly all the white activists, most of them university students, instantly returned to the conventionally exploitative pursuits of the capitalist elite, ignoring the fact the war raged on until 30 April 1975. The late Jerry Rubin, pseudo-revolutionary turned unapologetic Me-Generation millionaire, was typical. White feminism reversed itself too, albeit less obviously. What had begun as a subset of Marxism was reduced to an ideologically reactionary campaign for individual achievement of implicitly white-supremacist petite bourgeois advantage and the fostering of anti-male hatred, all within the context of improving capitalism. Its hate-mongering built an impenetrable barrier to solidarity and served as the springboard for the identity politics that have since combined neoliberalism-maximized moral imbecility with greed-is-good self-obsession and austerity’s unabashed war on empathy to thrust revolutionary socialist solidarity forever beyond USian reach.
Significantly, these sorts of reversals of purpose are a defining characteristic of U.S. political history: note the transformations of the Republicans and the Democrats, the former from Abolitionist to Conservative to Christonazi/Neoconfederate, the latter from advocacy of the New Deal to functioning as the Christonazi/Neoconfederate Fifth Column. They illustrate how the effectively the ruling class has always been at conditioning the white majority to turn rightward whenever it is aggrieved. The resultant lynch-mob nazism of the U.S. working class is often affirmed in blood, as in the Tulsa massacre in 1921, or when an estimated 400 white construction workers and 800 white office workers attacked, savagely beat and hospitalized hundreds of peace demonstrators in New York City on 8 May 1970. That atrocity, resoundingly applauded and loquaciously honored by leaders of both major parties and most of the nation’s labor unions, joins the present-day atrocities perpetrated by the Neoconfederates, the Christonazis and the various Trumpite militias to express the true majority ethos of the white majority that dominates the USian 99.9 Percent. Pew data meanwhile suggests up to 77 percent of the nation’s whites are fanatically selfish, pridefully ignorant, sadistically bigoted, utterly devoid of any instinct or desire for collective human kindness and -- above all else -- eagerly submissive to nazification.
I was surrounded by such people during the boyhood and young-adult years familial dysfunction compelled me to spend in the South and again during the elder years I chose for environmental reasons to spend mostly in the rural Pacific Northwest. A New Yorker by birth and accent, I found them universally hostile, often violently so. Not a one of their sort would ever accept socialism, which they have been relentlessly indoctrinated by their churches to reject as demonic, taught by their schools to fear as enslavement and conditioned by mass media to regard as a euphemism for race-mixing, homosexuality and emasculation. Not only is their bigotry and ignorance irremediable; it is, as I said before, absolute proof the U.S. is identical to the Germany it inspired in that our rescue can come only from without. (Apropos that inspiration, see James Q. Whitman, Hitler’s American Model: the United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law, Princeton University Press: 2017).
Now nearly 85 years old and the veteran of a near-lifelong career in print journalism that began when I was 16, I have personally witnessed each of the trends and events I reference herein. Though I understand the tactical and strategic necessity of disseminating revolutionary propaganda even in a realm wherein revolution is impossible, my commitment to unflinching reportorial honesty compels me to describe reality with the most unflinching accuracy I can muster. This is why I so often illustrated my own writing with photographs such as this or this or this, or photographic collages such as this or this. It is also why I cannot shy away from the politically incorrect but strategically and tactically essential know-our-enemy acknowledgment of the properly terrifying, relentlessly successful, multi-generation, zero-tolerance war the rulers of the U.S. wage against proletarian socialism. Traceable to the end of Reconstruction, it began in earnest with the 1933 Bankers’ Plot. Though it has sometimes been delayed, it has never been defeated. Its ecogenocidal success defines the U.S. capitalist plutocracy as the most formidably vicious ruling class in our species’ history.
The Trump Regime is its long-intended fulfillment. Its Führer’s rejection of all moral, ethical and constitutional restraint combined with his bipartisan predecessors’ inescapable computer-driven surveillance of every moment of each one of our lives means there is no possible way we can overcome it. Our vastly greater numbers are rendered utterly meaningless by Trump’s use of 21st Century technological omnipotence to enforce his Auschwitz-caliber regime of infinite sociopathy. We are thus reduced to an unprecedented depth of powerlessness We-the-People have never before known and cannot even accurately imagine, an abyss of degradation from which there is no escape save death. And to suppress that fact -- as WSWS seems intent on doing -- is wanton courtship of apocalyptic disaster.
What we should instead be doing is forthrightly acknowledging the fact our cause seems hopeless -- that, to quote a too-real epic of science fiction, “resistance is futile.” Why? Because even now it remains our species’ traditional bent to find solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems. Confronted with the unabashed truth of our dire circumstances, there is then the possibility someone somewhere might be provoked to engineer a means to achieve global socialism and thereby save us from extinction without triggering the U.S. “Better-Dead-Than-Red” doomsday reflex. But I have no doubt it will be an interminably long time coming -- if indeed it is not already too late. Meanwhile -- with a sadness of impending loss so intense it is inexpressible -- I am ever more convinced by environmental science the odds for our species’ survival and the preservation of the blessed fecundity of our planetary motherland are notably less than that of the proverbial snowball in hell. A genuinely radical publication would recognize it owes us the service of acknowledging our true plight.
Sorry, folks; don't know if or when I will post additional Dispatches. Nevertheless -- though too physically disabled to ever again picket or march in protest -- I damn well intend to keep fighting back with my keyboard as best I can for as long as I remain able. To end this depressing dispatch on an ironically humorous, whistling-past-the-graveyard note, go here.
LB/30 January-5 February 2025